More of what others are saying about TEAM PERKA!!

  Reply by RM on July 25, 2009 at 11:54pm Team Perka as an organization/business has great customer service that gives the contractor instant credibility with his clients. Team Perka’s willingness to embrace alternative building techniques greatly helps...

What some people are saying about Perka Buildings!!

  A few years back we asked contractor/builder folks what they thought about Perka Buildings.   You don’t have to take our, albeit biased, opinion…   here is just one reply we received… Reply by K.M. on March 2, 2009 at 5:46pm The benefits of...

Welcome to our Blog… again.

  It would be so easy to get really frustrated right about now… Some of this really started about 7 years ago now. Our founder, long time leader and most friendly mentor to so many people, passed away suddenly, and very astonishingly, leaving a fairly HUGE...