Top Priority

No one tries to “keep up with the Joneses” anymore… do they? “Keeping up with the Joneses” is an older phrase or idiom that means you attempt to base your success on how well you match up with the success of your neighbors. Sounds exhausting (and at times difficult), right? This requires us to take note of everything the neighbors do, see how our lives compare, and make ourselves seem as good (or better) than the folks next door.

Unfortunately, this concept is one that we often practice nearly every day. We are so often tempted to constantly compare… and often attempting to be just a little bit better than that other person. We look around to see how we stack up or at least differentiate from the people around us. Bigger house? That’s one point for me. My kid threw a tantrum, when hers never cries. OK, one point for her. My car is nicer than his; I get another point. The list can go on and on when it comes to comparing.  Sound familiar?

However, comparing ourselves to others isn’t always wrong or undeserving… if we’re comparing the right things and in the right “way”.  Like doing so with a certain admiration, to learn from and GROW!   What we shouldn’t compare, especially with any attachment or competitiveness per se, are our families, our finances, certain personal life choices, even relationships, etc. We don’t always have control over the things our families do, some of the choices we can get forced into, or the adversity we may encounter. Besides, those perfect Instagram posts and family photos don’t show everything. Those are typically just ONE moment in time…. 

In reality, almost everyone has uncomfortable, messy, less-than-perfect moments that sometimes lasting days, weeks, and those moments, those photos rarely end up being posted.  Do they?  We shouldn’t compare material things either: things like houses, cars, finances, possessions, etc. If we keep looking at those things, we’ll always find someone who has it just a little bit nicer or “better”. Those collations can often disappoint, in one way or another.

This begs the question: Is it ever OK to compare? The answer is “yes”. However, this has to be done in a healthy, constructive way. As earlier mentioned, it isn’t serving to look at other people’s lives and wish that ours looked more like theirs. But it can be constructive to observe other people’s behavior or personalities: the way they act, think, and speak. By observing others without judgement, we can learn from their consequences, accomplishments, and appreciate the differences while respecting their strengths. We can work to figure out what they do well, and if it fits, apply that to our own lives. To practice this kind of healthy comparison doesn’t produce jealousy, bitterness, or longing; it produces kindness, understanding, appreciation and a mindset of growth or evolving.

If you have read this far, you’re probably curious as to why we’ve been talking about collation and “keeping up with the Joneses” (or any other families who happen to live next door to you).  What does this have to do with buildings?  Well, it’s because of Perka’s dedication to our customers: to YOU.  The products and services we offer are part of the bigger picture goal of wanting to make our world better… To serve man and woman kind! 

So, guess what? We are not concerned with your neighbors.  We are not “worrying” about what others are doing.  It matters not as to whether their house is nicer, whether their car is larger, or whether they have more social media followers than you or us. Our number one concern is you. You, as you. You, with a lived-in house – a well-used vehicle or children filled with abundant enthusiasm and energy. (Although, if your house is a bit cluttered, as in lacking in space, well, Perka Hybrid Buildings can be a great choice for adding storage, extra room and or functionality. – Just saying.) 

More than supplying you with high-quality, well thought out building and structure solutions, we want to provide you with the best possible stress free service that will earn your trust and help you find the right solutions for YOU.  

And as to comparing?  We will definitely do that with you.   We will compare quality and type of the structure.  Is it Steel?  Or is it Wood?  Or is it Hybrid?  Is it pre-designed? We will look at how the buildings are produced?   Are they pre-fit to eliminate headaches on the job site, or are they sent to you with a WISH and a HOPE that they will fit? We will indeed compare so that you know that you are getting a 50 year warranty from a business that has been around long enough to re-assure you that they are not going anywhere!  We will compare to make sure your choices meet the minimum requirements you would expect to protect you and your family – like strength, and affordability, like flexibility so you are not stuck with a never look back decision.   Like ease & simplicity so that you don’t get all lost in the jargons and the attempts at “BS to impress”! And we will compare to be sure you realize the building you choose is resilient to withstand whatever challenge or adversity that sometimes LIFE just throws at us!  The unexpected.   The unplanned for.   The unpredictable. 

We aim to be robust, resilient and remarkable at the very least…  Because with TEAM PERKA, YOU are our highest priority. Not the Joneses. You. Your goals. Your dreams. Your aspirations.  Your SAFETY.  Your future…  To find out how you can begin a project with your very own trusted building adviser and Happy Perka Teammate, contact us here.