I don’t know about you, but I LOVE hearing stories about the childhoods of my relatives.
One such story comes from my aunt. When she was growing up, she and her family kept a vegetable garden. While they ate some of their produce right away, much of it was canned and saved for later. My aunt especially loved the green beans her family canned, often taking a jar to school to eat for lunch.
Similarly, I remember being at a friend’s house several years ago and marveling at the canned veggies and jars of homemade broth that stocked the pantry shelves.
I think when most people think of canned goods, their thoughts drift to the cans and jars they purchase at the supermarket. Many people do not stop to consider the fact that they can preserve their own food. Still, food preservation and storage are still very much utilized today. However, we tend to see it happening on a somewhat different- and much LARGER- scale.
That’s right; buying, selling, and storing in BULK are pretty “in” right now. It seems as though every day we hear of a different item that is in short supply. (Remember when everybody was hoarding and obsessing over toilet paper?!?)
We do not recommend hoarding; instead, we are talking about wisely storing up.
In ancient times, a major famine ravaged Egypt and the Middle East for seven years. But before the famine began, Egypt experienced seven years of incredibly abundant harvest. Through some wise foresight, they were able to store up extra grain during the years of plenty so that they had enough provisions to make it through the next seven years of famine and drought. Not only did they have enough stored-up crops to feed themselves, but they were also able to sell their bounty to people from neighboring countries.
How’s this for a goal? Provision for your family and enough left over to sell for a profit or donate to the less fortunate.
As Team Perka, we have lived through several shortages of food, fuel, now baby formula, and yes TP too; with all kinds of varying challenges in the supply chain, and we will likely make it through many more.
These issues do not cause us to halt our progress. After all, we are all about finding storage solutions! Our structures can be built in any size, whether you need to preserve jars of green beans and broth or seven years’ worth of grain, fuel or various sustenance needs.
We believe that a supply – storage type building can keep you/us from being incapacitated by issues in the supply chain. In fact, more and more farmers and ranchers are currently taking advantage of opportunities that pop up which may not be quite ready for immediate distribution. We do see that many are now looking for ways to store for a more lasting re-distribution which will not only mitigate “shortages” per se but could also lower the inflationary impact while still allowing for a fair compensation to these “investors”! When things are “short”, store, not hoard!
If you would like to look into options or customizing your own storage building, this link will show you the many choices available. Not only can you use them to store during times of “need”, but you can also then re-purpose them easily for full use-value when times of “abundance” return!!
To connect with us, head over to our website or Facebook page (where you can also view all our latest and greatest new projects). Or you can contact us here!
As always, we genuinely enjoy learning how we can support you as you plan your building projects. After all, we love to build structures AND build others up!
We will always do our best to help provide you storage in the midst of shortage so that you can be filled with abundance in the middle of the “drought”.