Here we grow again! Can you believe we’ve made it to another new year? That’s certainly something to be grateful for! Last year around this time, the only thing that most people wanted was to go “back to normal”. 

I’d venture to say that while we haven’t quite returned to what was once normal, we’ve done an excellent job at embracing and adapting to something new. All of us here at Perka are happy to take a moment to honor you for making it through another twelve months and hopefully emerging stronger than ever. 

Weekly goals and objectives

And, of course, what better way is there to end the year and improve even more than writing New Year’s resolutions or intentions?  (AKA Goals!)

We all know that the new year is when most everyone focuses on self-improvement. As do we.   We strive for a goal that our building/designs are “S.A.F.E.R.”: as in strong, affordable, flexible, easy, resilient; and as a family business, we try to adhere to the same characteristics and traits.  (You can reread them now if you wish!)

We work to overcome the many wild and almost CRAZY “curve balls” life has thrown (and is throwing at us), and we pride ourselves on being easy to work with as we focus on the solutions and not the “so called” problem!  (We would love to work with you and share with you many of these “skills” in reaching the most stress-free solutions too!)

Whatever you’re looking for in any sort of building opportunity or dream, to start this year, we’re certain we can be of assistance! 

For example, are you interested in exercising more? That’s a common New Year’s resolution, and we’ve got you covered! One of our many customizable wood-and-steel buildings would be the perfect place for an at-home gym. 

Need a studio for your new artistic endeavors? Again, let’s talk about one of our more compact, energy efficient, environmentally friendly and most affordable structures; we’re certain it can be just what will serve you most.

Our buildings are also ideal for workspaces if you’re looking to be more productive this year; or make great storage areas if you’re interested in expanding your business, hobby or chill space. 

Check out our website for more information and our new 3D Building Designer…  Or contact us here, if you’d like to start your new project and would like to have your own advisor help you through the steps…!  What do you say?   

We would love to help you get “up and running” with any of those projects you may have been putting off. After all, the new year is the perfect time to start getting things done! Once and for all, RIGHT?

Happy New Year!