In light of the day, we recently spent remembering the life, work, and death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I’ve been thinking a lot about legacy. 

Now, we all understand what the day is meant to signify, but there are likely many days we celebrate without understanding their full meaning. Furthermore, there are many people who are celebration-worthy, yet we don’t even know their names. 

For example, when I read genealogies, I tend to go cross-eyed at the lists of names, often forgetting that these were real people who lived long ago. Similarly, I’ve recently been researching my family history, and I’m getting lost in the names of great-grandparents and distantly related cousins. 

So, back to today’s theme of legacy… How do we ensure that we are more than just names in a list?

While many of us may never become famous or have holidays in our honor, there are things that we can do in the small, everyday tasks to leave a valuable legacy. One of my favorite quotes is, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart” (Colossians 3:23a). 

We can take an ordinary and mundane chore and work at it with all your heart to make a bigger impact or difference, even if for a fleeting moment to a total stranger. This could be an impression on a boss, co-worker, your family, or anyone who might look up to you, like a niece, nephew, child. 

I can’t tell you how many times I was amazed at people who took their small tasks and did them fantastically. What’s more, they made an impact on me because they reached out to me, even when they had no reason to do so. Reaching out with kindness to someone, regardless of supposed status, is another thing you can do to leave a legacy in the everyday. Though for a while it may not seem to make a difference, a surplus of kindness will certainly have an effect on the people around you.  There is a RIPPLE EFFECT.   Maybe even a “butterfly effect”?

Here at Team Perka, you’ll never feel like “just a name on a list”. We care about each of our clients personally and individually, as a FRIEND. (Just one of the many things we strive to do to leave a mark on the world!) 

You, your story, your needs are important to us. That’s why all our buildings are customizable, not cookie cutter type molds, so you can get exactly what you’re looking for. We view our clients as more than a way to make money, so we provide incomparable customer care to help you feel heard and welcome AND APPRECIATED. 

We realize that you (yes you!) are striving as well, to act ways that makes an impact on the people around you, and we would love to be part of that legacy, in any way we can! 

For more information on how to partner with us, check out our website! Whether or not you ever get a holiday named after you, we would be honored and pleased to co-create, collaborate and work with you. Let us know how we can be a part of your legacy!