Warm Up the New Year

Warm Up the New Year

Warm Up the New Year Can you believe we’ve made it to the start of yet another new year?  Even though the Christmas season has faded and taken most people’s “giftiness” along with it, I’d say that another year to be alive, to be kind, and to make a difference in the...
Back to sCOOL!

Back to sCOOL!

Welcome back to school!  Whether you have a child or sibling returning to the classroom, or whether you are a parent, student, or teacher yourself, this is certainly an eventful time of year!  I remember when I was in elementary school, I couldn’t wait to go...
Keepin’ it Cool

Keepin’ it Cool

Whew! It sure seems to be getting hot out there, isn’t it? While I am certainly enjoying my summer and am not quite ready for the school year to start back up, I’ll be honest; I have spent very little time outside this summer because, for one thing, it has been SO...
How to succeed at the waiting game.

How to succeed at the waiting game.

Happy Easter! As we enter this time of remembrance and new growth, we are humbled and honored to recollect what this time means both for us as a community and individuals. Of course, redemption was not without its share of pain, suffering, and waiting. The world had...