PRICE IS TOO HIGH? Price is too much? Overpriced?

How can that be?  They are the same model…  or they are the same size.  Or it’s for the same service.   They are both the same thing…  or is it?  How can there be such a price difference?  That price is way too high?  OR IS IT? While it may not be so...

Rigid buildings and your future

Before I even start this blog post – I will admit that I AM BIASED!  I was raised by parents who demanded I be truthful, honest. They only wanted the BEST for me –  but also taught me that I HAD to BE and DO my BEST to earn it.    They showed me what it...

Are you a client builder hero?

What makes a client feel really good (stress free) about his building solution decision? Why are some clients HAPPY and others just seem to “live a nightmare experience”? Have you ever wondered where does one start when wanting to build?  What info would...

Growing trend to Hybrid Steel And Wood Homes

Over the past several years we’ve been seeing trends towards building stronger homes. As the building codes for commercial, industrial, institutional and even agriculture and residential structures have had to BEEF UP load tables due to increasing wind/snow...